
frequently asked questions

What has the pandemic done for cleaning services?

Pre COVID-19 we only had increased or deep cleans when there was a rare Rotavirus or Norovirus scare.

Today, industry is managing both of these cleaning processes whilst monitoring their COVID safe plans. This increased workload calls for systems to help reduce this added burden upon facilities managers.


Why worry about monitoring cleaning once the Covid vaccine has been widely administered.

Industry needs to look to the future as we cannot predict what variant of COVID-19 will hit us next. Having a system that keeps cleaning in check will help with whatever the future has to hold.

Once domestic and international travel increases, more potential carriers of COVID-19 will walk through our doors. Keeping our focus on COVID safe practises, including cleaning will still be a part of how we provide a safe facility.


What are these QR code labels all about?

The cleaned TODAY labels provide three primary functions.

1. They are used by the cleaning crew to report on the area being cleaned.
2. The label is a symbol that the facility manager has a cleaning progam in place.
3. The third function is to allow your customers the ability to scan the QR code and see the
last cleaning service performed and to rate the job being done.

What if we use our own staff as cleaners?

cleaned TODAY is also built for industries who have their own cleaning staff such as Hotels or home stays.

Equally if you use cleaning contractors, cleaned TODAY will manage them as well.

We have three cleaning companies across two locations, can one account cover all of these?

Yes, the service is only limited by the number of Cleaned Today labels you have. A scenario could be you have 450 labels distributed across four locations.

These locations could be in a number of different states or even countries. This can all be managed from one central account anywhere in the world that has an internet connection..

Who pays for the service, the cleaning company or facility owner?

The service is designed for the facility owner to pay for and control the system.This keeps the direct cost in-house as the facility owner can resize their requirement whenever they wish.

What is your refund policy?

We have a money back guarantee. What we offer a refund on your service with no questions asked.

If you cancel your service part way through any subsequent year, we will refund the balance of that year.


What size are the cleaned Today labels ?

The labels have a portrait size of 2 ¾ inches by 3 ½ inches (7cms by 9cms).

Are the labels waterproof and can you clean them with solvents?

The labels are made from a synthetic water resistant material that can be cleaned with most cleaning products. They are also UV resistant for outdoor environments.

How is the service priced?

The annual service cost and labels are supplied in set numbers. These range from 6 labels for a small facility, 90 labels for a medium, 240 for a large and 450 for an enterprise operation. The greater the label number the added annual cost. If you have a requirement for more than the supplied ranges, a combination can be added to one account.

What if we lose some labels through damage or simple loss?

If you have an active account, we will replace the lost labels free of charge.

Why is it priced in Australian Dollars?

Our company is based in Brisbane only a short drive from the sunny Gold Coast. We have priced the service in Australian dollars as our development team and support costs come from our Australian based operation.

Fortunately for our US, UK and EU clients it makes our service even better value.

What else can we use Cleaned Today for other than cleaning for viral contamination?

cleaned Today can be used in any situation where you need a cleaning program and the ability to track in real time the cleaning of an asset, either fixed or mobile.

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